

(static) Rooibos_init(preTestSetup, testUtilsDecorator, RooibosSceneName, nodeContext)

Entry point for rooibos unit testing framework. Will identify, run, and report all tests in the app, before terminating the application.

Name Type Description
preTestSetup Dynamic

called to do any initialization once the screen is created Use this to configure anything such as globals, etc that you need

testUtilsDecorator Dynamic

will be invoked, with the test case as a param - the function can then compose/decorate any additional functionality, as required Use this to add things like, rodash, common test utils, etc


as string - name of scene to create. All unit tests run in the scene thread and therefore require a screen and scene are created.


as object - this is the global scope of your tests - so where anonymous methods will run from. This should be m