Maestro has a build in IOC framework.

It is simple, and tailored specifically to roku memory management and performance, as well as easy debugging using RALE tool.

Using maestro IOC

Create your IOC container

Early on in your application, create your container and set instances as follows:

function initializeIOC()"initializing the IOD container")
  'note this is done in the boostrap sequence in my apps

  fontManager = createObject("roSGNode", "mv_FontManager")
  mioc.setInstance("fontManager", fontManager)

  styleManager = createObject("roSGNode", "mv_StyleManager")
  mioc.setInstance("styleManager", styleManager)
end function

Get instances

To retrieve an instance, use mioc.getInstance("instance_name")

Get paths

To retrieve an instance, use mioc.getInstance("instance_name", "") , which will return the data on

Set instances

You can override instances at any point with mioc.setInstance

Use @inject annotation

You can inject ioc instances directly into your class fields, e.g.

class ButtonView extends mv.BaseView

private styleManager

@inject("user", "credentials.isLoggedIn")
private isLoggedIn

Unit testing

Maestro is all about testability, for this reason all the main base classes (e.g. NodeClass, BaseView, BaseViewModel, etc) have wrappers for mioc.setInstance and mioc.getInstance making them very easy to stub in a unit test. e.g.

extract from

  private function onRefreshComplete(result)
    m.log.method("onRefreshComplete", result)
    m.isLoading = false
    m.isMainGroupVisible = true

    if m.getInstance("user").isLoggedIn
      m.isRefreshing = false
    end if

  end function

extract from


    @it("dismisses on successful refresh")
    function _()
      user = { "id": "user", isLoggedIn: true }
      m.expectOnce(m.vm, "getInstance", ["user"], user)
      m.expectOnce(m.vm, "dismiss", ["success"])

      m.vm.isLoading = true
      m.vm.isRefreshing = true


    end function